all recent publications
'Too many still view Ukraine through the prism of Russian imperialism', Atlantic Council, 5 Sept 2024.
'Loss, defiance, and the fight for justice: the stories of three women from Ukraine', NATO Review, 5 March 2024.
‘“Ukraine fatigue”: why I’m fighting to stop the world forgetting us’, The Guardian, 25 Jan 2024. READ. LISTEN.
'This is not a crime novel', The Ukrainians, 18 December 2023.
'Ukrainian writer Victoria Amelina never got to finish her story. We must tell it for her', CNN Opinion, 6 July 2023.
'A very Russian revolution', The Strategist, 27 June 2023.
'Cultural diplomats: full-time Ukrainian', Radio Kultura, 23 June 2023.
'In Ukraine, we are all carrying phantom pain', Prospect, 16 May 2023.
'Why the West underestimated Ukraine', The New Statesman, 20 December 2022.
'No, Putin didn't awaken Ukraine', The New York Times, 1 November 2022.
'Olesya Khromeychuk’s diary: Returning to Ukraine—and my brother’s grave', Prospect, 6 October 2022.
'Putin's regime is banking on western Ukraine fatigue', Prospect, 17 September 2022.
'What it's like to lose a loved one in a war that's live on social media', Daily Mail, 1 September 2022.
With Uilleam Blacker, 'Foreword: Ukrainian Women Poets. How can faith, hope, and love live in a space of pain', The Continental Literary Magazine, 2 June 2022.
'Laat je niks wijsmaken, dit is een Europese oorlog', NRC, 3 June 2022 (English version: 'Don't be fooled, this is a European war').
'Where is Ukraine?' RSA Journal, 2 May 2022.
'The Nation Ukraine Has Become' coauthored with Sonya Bilocerkowycz, The New York Review of Books, 25 March 2022.
»Wir kämpfen für das Recht, eine Zukunft zu haben«, Der Spiegel, 23 March 2022 (English version: ‘We are fighting for a right to have a future’).
'"He has decided to destroy the whole world"': Six global voices on Putin's invasion of Ukraine', CNN Opinion, 2 March 2022.
'My Ukrainian brother was killed on the frontline - he was right when he said this is a European war', Metro, 25 February 2022.